Tuesday, September 16, 2008

iPhone SDK 2.1 Doesn't Include iPod touch 2.1 Firmware

If you, like me, have gotten an iPod touch and anxiously installed the new iPhone SDK to scratch your iPhone development itch, you may be disappointed when you start up Xcode and get the unhelpful message:

Unable to locate a suitable developer disk image. Reinstall the iPhone SDK.

And, maybe you do reinstall it, but the message persists. Aaand, when you compile your software, you get a CodeSign error:

No certificate found in keychain for code signing identity 'iPhone Developer'

The problem is that the huuuuuge iPhone SDK 2.1 installer doesn't come with the iPod touch 2.1 firmware image. Suck. Fear not, though: All you have to do is force iTunes to do a firmware restore, which will download the appropriate image. On next launch, Xcode will find it and everything will work great.


Taehan Kim(κΉ€νƒœν•œ) said...

My iPod Touch (2G) is still not work.
I restored iPod Touch with iTunes, but noting changed.

How did you fix this problem? My iPhone SDK is also latest one.


Anonymous said...

I'm also still having this problem, even after reinstalling the iphone sdk several times as well as restoring the firmware :(

Anonymous said...

# try something like the following in terminal after reading the 2.1 advisory
cd /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport;
ln -s 2.1 2.1.1;